Weight-loss, Obesity, and Weight-Managment
To date, one of the Most effective ways to help with weight-loss and weight-shifting and/or weight-management concerns the area of Diet and Calorie tracking, but what about metabolism; the bodies natural ability to synthesize and breakdown the nutritional availability in ones diet day to day. Yes, the way your body metabolizes food directly relates to and is correlated with ones in-take of polysaccharides aka glucose aka carbohydrates, protein, amino acids, starches, water soluble and fat soluble vitamins as well as oils and other fats. In other words, what I eat can help with what i keep and don't keep. Obesity is one of the leading causes of health disparities affecting some groups more than others.
More than one-third (36.5%) of the U.S. adult population have obesity. Combating obesity with a multi-step approach involves knowing your body mass index (BMI), acheiving and maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular physical activity.