Michael King ​​BSHSE MPH​​
Health Science Practitioner ​ 
  1. Meal Planning
    Crafting and Creating a great meal plan for your lifestyle is a continuous everyday event. Understanding food labels, certain vitamins and minerals as well as essential proteins, starches and vegetables/fruits all contribute to common sense tactics to tackle a healthy meal plan. A Meal Plan designed well and balanced with ones life is possible in todays' day and age, as well as, as some people like to say "with a little cheating here and there";
  2. Stress
    Will stress in some way shape form or fashion affect your daily life, maybe even your daily routine, potentially ones diet as well as there personal life including sleep, time management, relationships, friendships, just plainly being friendly. Well, if you said "Yes", your absolutely right. Combating stress is an everyday event. Creating a homeostasis within your thought patterns pertaining to normalcy. A routine is important in understanding lines of habit, good habits, habits that must exist to remain on track for normalcy sake. Stress is organic in that someone else's stress can become your own, from TV's shows, to the news to the overall presence of social media. It is critical to purge and shed ones-self of all or any of the combative/dynamic forms of stress.
  3. Weight-loss, Obesity, and Weight-Managment
    To date, one of the Most effective ways to help with weight-loss and weight-shifting and/or weight-management concerns the area of Diet and Calorie tracking, but what about metabolism; the bodies natural ability to synthesize and breakdown the nutritional availability in ones diet day to day. Yes, the way your body metabolizes food directly relates to and is correlated with ones in-take of polysaccharides aka glucose aka carbohydrates, protein, amino acids, starches, water soluble and fat soluble vitamins as well as oils and other fats. In other words, what I eat can help with what i keep and don't keep. Obesity is one of the leading causes of health disparities affecting some groups more than others. More than one-third (36.5%) of the U.S. adult population have obesity. Combating obesity with a multi-step approach involves knowing your body mass index (BMI), acheiving and maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular physical activity.
  4. Exercise
    The importance of exercise and its benefits should motivate everyone to have a daily regimen with physical fitness based routines. The daily exercise routines are essential to lowering specific heatlh-related diseases such as type2 diabetes cancer and cardiovascular disease. Exercising has several other health benefits such as aging appropriately, lowering a persons high blood pressure to normal values and lastly, preventing unwanted weight gain leading to overweight and obese weight limits. Working out atleast once a day helps blood flow, allows the muscles to pump blood throughout a persons body, which is beneficial to your brain as it allows your brain to release certain chemicals called endorphins allowing your brain cells to function at a higher level. Physical exercise atleast once a day allows an increase blood flow to your brain making you more alert and feeling more awake while exercising and having that focus afterwards as well.
  5. Healthy Eating
    Eating healthy is the smartest thing you can do no matter what the age of the person. As you grow and age one of the single most important things to remember involves properly and effectively picking out the most appropriate foods at your local grocery store or food/fresh market. Proper nutrition is a part of healthy aging as well as seeking out nutrition information for a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis. Stay aware of certain short-comings such as loss of appetite or over-eating, or other more serious uncertainties such as lack of knowledge on certain food groups and certain foods as a whole, which require reading and information retention. Know your Food groups: including grains, fruits, proteins, vegetables, dairy, oils and solid fats as well as other added sugars. Continue to learn about each group and how they aid and assist in the processes of providing nutrients to you body.
  6. Health Issues
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